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All donations go to the continued development and maintenance
of the 3D platform and open digital documentation efforts.

Benefits to Publishing on Open Heritage 3D


Contributor Control

Data Permissions

Documentation of ownership of the data is crucial to ensure the integrity of 3D data accessible on Open Heritage 3D. If you are not the site authority looking to contribute data, please provide a letter from the site acknowledging permission of your documentation work and designation of ownership and use of the data.

Data Types

Raster Data Type Format
Photogrammetry (Terrestrial)


All raster data will be delivered and distributed in the formats above only. Formats are listed in preferred order. DNG is the preferred file format by providing the end user with primary and non-proprietary data.

Photogrammetry (Aerial)
Spatial Data Type Format
LiDAR (Terrestrial)


All spatial data will be delivered and distributed in E57 format only. For each of the data types on the left, a single, registered and photo textured (if applicable) file should be included.

The single E57 should not be merged, unified or subsampled. All Spatial Data Types should be in the global coordinate system WGS 84 / UTM or local if not available.

This will ensure uniformity across the repository and allow for end users to modify the transformation back to original single positions without transformations.

Photogrammetry (Aerial)
Short Range Scans


For each unique heritage site the Open Heritage Alliance assigns a DOI which needs a completed metadata sheet. The most current version (v0.3) of the metadata schema can be found here.

Data Preparation

For each heritage site we should have one or all of the data types: Terrestrial LiDAR, Aerial LiDAR, Terrestrial Photogrammetry, Aerial Photogrammetry or Short Range Scan

Terrestrial LiDAR data - A zipped single E57 file containing the registered scan data and images. The Zipped file should be named "". A unique DOI will be assigned to your data set by the Open Heritage Alliance.

Aerial LiDAR data - A zipped single E57 file containing the registered scan data. The Zipped file should be named "". A unique DOI will be assigned to your data set by the Open Heritage Alliance.

Terrestrial Photogrammetry data - A zipped file containing JPEGS/TIFF/DNG. The Zipped file should be named "". A unique DOI will be assigned to your data set by the Open Heritage Alliance.

Aerial Photogrammetry data - A zipped file containing JPEGS/TIFF/DNG. The Zipped file should be named "". A unique DOI will be assigned to your data set by the Open Heritage Alliance.

Short Range Scan data - A zipped file containing JPEGS/TIFF/DNG. The Zipped file should be named "". A unique DOI will be assigned to your data set by the Open Heritage Alliance.

Once the data is packaged it can be uploaded via a Dropbox request link assigned by the Open Heritage Alliance.

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